Tuesday, April 3, 2012



"We call it pleasure, we call it fun, but they usually knew it as SUGAL..." 

Filipinos are not equally divided by rich or poor, by handsome or ugly, by short or tall, by mestizo or kayumanggi. We differ in every aspect of life, of movement. 

We tend to visualize fun as happiness to get rid of stress and those pathetic problems. We are looking for a small ventilation to relieve the dilemmas we are experiencing. Paranoid.

I am a gambler, I am doing it just for fun, just to kill time, just to eliminate stress. But I, myself, didn't know anything about it's history. Literally, I knew it as a game involving money. There are plenty to bet yet there are plenty to choose where are you going to gamble your cash.

So I made a bit of research about it. I tried to look for a bit of meaning for it. For me to find out what are the rules governing "sugal" and what can I get from it.

According to some historians, dice was the first paraphernalia of gambling. Some said that Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon used dice to divide heaven, hell, and the sea. Old people like cavemen believed to playing dice as well. 

40,000 years ago, this dice was once known as "Astragali" made out of sheep or dog's ankle bone. Drawings from cave walls depicts that there are two stone blocks were thrown in the air and men in circles were playing it. It is believed that Romans, Greeks and even Gods and Goddesses gamble for some reasons.

During the 14th century, King Henry VIII outlawed gambling since he noticed that his soldiers spent more time in gambling rather than taking care of the castle. Because of what he did, even his wife Anne Boleyn didn't survive the rage of illegal gambling.

As I noticed, even our ancestors can't find a way to bet their money on gambling. Making it outlaw forced people to retain its awesome power, by making it illegal.

In the new world, native Americans believed to use gambling to predict futures. The revolutionary war bankrolled the lottery for instance. In fact, Washington bought the first ticket for a federal lottery in 1793. Soon enough during the war, lotteries and other gambling strategies were wipe out by bombs and machines.

Gamblers were hungry for new games to play with. While the early casinos offered few choices for new games, we Filipinos found new way in restoring its fun. 

One of those famous card game here in the Philippines is Tong-its. Who would have not known this card game that is played even in a burial ceremony. The history of this card game remains unknown and unidentified. Some historians believed that this game was carried and introduced by Chinese missionaries knowing that Chinese are good with card games. Speculations told that this game was introduced by Spaniards since they rule the country for more than 300 years. No one knows, but a lot of thanks and regards for that person who invented this game, that until now, we are playing.

The name derives from its aim, to give a "tong" or share whenever you won or hit the pot money. Most of the time, the hitter gave most of the tong. 

 This game is played using the standard 52 cards called as a deck. The objective of the game is to empty your cards on hand or at least to minimize the total count of your scores on hand. Forming card sets like a 3 piece straight flush or 3 piece set called as "trio". 

Three-of-a-kind: three equally ranked cards (7♣ - 7♦ - 7♠)
Four-of-a-kind: four cards of the same rank/number, also called “Secret” (J♣ - J♦ - J♠ - J♥)
Straight Flush: at least three sequential cards of the same suit (3♠ - 4♠ - 5♠) (8♦ - 9♦ - 10♦ - J♦ - Q♦)
Straight flush composed of 5 or more cards is also called a "Sagasa" or “Escalera.Dumping one card whenever you pick up on the central stuck or you get the card dump by your opponent that is called a "chow". The person who emptied the cards on hand will say "tong-its" or has the least count at the end of the game is the winner.

One can call a draw whenever he wanted to challenge the other players. Most of the time, the player who think that he has the least count do this action. Sometimes, bluffing is one way to threaten the opponent as wall, one will call a draw even he has a big count on hand.

Player without a "house" also know as melds was automatically "burned" and has no power to call a draw. Calling on draw depends on what players set for rules. Players who doesn't have melds can call for a draw if the player has a secret or a four-of-a-kind on hand, but for this one, player holding this kind on hand will never call a draw, unless the player has a mend on the table.

"Sapaw" is called when you dropped one or more cards to the opponents meld to create another combination or to minimize the counting of the cards on hand. 

The original play counts with two consecutive wins to get the pot. The initial winner will be called as "hitter" or the one who assemble the cards with the 13 cards on his hands. He will be the first one to dump a card.

Winning the pot also has accompanying additional payment. They may add payment for Aces or Kings depending on the rules set by the players. A is called Ace counted as 1 while J=Jack, Q=Queen, K=King, are counted as 10 at the end of the game. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are counted as it is.

Most of the historians believed that "Pusoy" or Russian Poker originated in the Philippines. But how would that happened? One thing that started a debate is the originality of this card game. Some say that Russians copied this game for once. They patterned theirs to ours changing the name of it.

Most of the Chinese people associated "Pusoy" as their own as well, they tend to call it Chinese Poker. 

No matter where this game originated, I am also thankful that this card pastime was invented.

This card entertainment has been played in the Asian community for so many years. I can still remember that my Dad used to play this together with my uncles or even my Grandpops. This diversion gain its popularity because of it's mind blowing and brain draining strategies for you to win.

To begin with, this game of cards have 4 main players. Each one can compete to each other or even have 1 to be called as "Bangka" or the mastermind. He will be the one to shuffle the cards and distribute it evenly to its opponent. "Tendida"  is called for the tapped card dealt by the giver. Ace, 5, 9, and King always starts with the Bangka. Distributing the cards will always start on the right hand corner of the Tendida.

So long if the game have no Bangka. The player who defeated the cards of the 3 will be the one to allocate the deck. 

There are 10 sets for you to furnished your cards:

1. Royal Straight Flush:  Just like in a poker, this kind of arrangement contains five  cards in sequence, all the same suit or signs. Remember that Diamonds are the strongest signs followed by Hearts, Spades, and Clubs. The arrangement might be different, it may start into any number completing the 5 consecutive counting.

2. "Quads" or Four-of-a-Kind (Quadro): a poker hand containing all four cards of one rank. Quads with higher ranking cards defeat lower ranking ones. 

3. Full House: contains three matching cards partnered by a pair or two same degree cards. Q♣ Q♦ Q♠ 9♥ 9♣ this variant may be called as "Full Queen" or "Queens of Full".

4. Flush: all five cards are in the same suits but not in sequence. Between two Flush cards, remember that the Ace has the highest position on deck, if your cards have an ace follow by another high card, this will defeat the other flush without an Ace. For example, if one player has Q♣ 10♣ 7♣ 6♣ 4♣ on his hand, as you may notice Q=Queen is the high card this is called "Queen High Flush", if the other opponent have this card Q♦ 9♦ 7♦ 4♦ A♦ , this set of cards win because of the Ace inserted at the lay followed by the Q=Queen called "Ace High Flush".

5. Straight: this one contains five cards of sequential in counting in at least two or more different signs or suits. There would come a time that one will be having 10 cards in sequential, the highest counting should be at the bottom followed by the second highest counted cards in the body or the middle. Q♣ J♠ 10♠ 9♥ 8♥ this is an example of a straight card, this is called as "Queen High Straight".

 6. "Trio" or Three-of-a-Kind: set containing three cards of the same rank followed by two different rank of cards. Higher valued "Trio" cards defeat lower valued ones. Q♠ Q♥ Q♦ 7♠ 4♣ defeats J♠ J♣ J♦ A♦ K♣. Sometimes, players put a side bet for "trio". The player who will gain the highest "Trio" will win the pot money.

 7. Six Pairs: in this kind of set, 6 pairs of different ranks valued the most. A term "Control" will usually heard for the player aiming for the win in the head of the set of cards. The player will put the highest pair at the top of the set putting the second highest at the bottom. The sequential pattern should be practice. Remember that the highest pair should be at the lowest part and the second highest pair should be at the middle.

 A♠ A♣ 6♦
7♠ 7♥ 3♦ 5♠ 5♣  
4♣ 4♦ 3♠ J♠ J♦

 8. Five Pairs: this is just like Six pairs, but the only difference is that theres only 5 pairs of different ranks that valued the most. Same agenda will be used to form this kind of hand set.

A♠ A♣ 6♦
7♠ 7♥ 3♦ 5♠ 5♣  
4♣ 4♦ 2♠ J♠ J♦

 9. Two Pairs: cards on hand that contains two cards at the same rank with two cards with the same rank as well together with one spare card. 10♠ 10♣ 8♥ 8♣ 4♠ defeats 9♠ 9♣ 4♠ 4♥ 8♥ because of the High 10 Pairs. There would come a time that the "kicker" or spare card matters. Like 9♣ K♦ K♠ 9♥ 5♥ defeats K♣ 9♦ 9♠ K♥ 3♥.
10. One Pair: contains two cards at one rank together with three cards of different signs or spare cards. 4♥ 4♠ K♠ 10♦ 5♠ is a good example. Same idea with two pairs.
11. High Card or "Butaw": a set of five cards not meeting the above requirements. The signs even the number didn't match the principle explained above.

There you go. (Credits for the pictures who owned it.)

In playing Pusoy, there are settings to be followed, the"HEAD" consist of 3 cards, the "MIDDLE" consist of 5 cards, and the "BACK" or the bottom part. The arrangem,ent of each settings above also followed the hierarchy of the cards. 

The highest should be at the bottom part up to the head part. The player who defeated all of his opponent wins the game.


Summer 2012 Starts... Are you ready?

Tan skin; crazy days; late nights: Summer 2012!

School was done and we are looking forward experiencing the heat of the sun. What could be better than splashing yourself in a cold water of the swimming pool and slide your butt in the gigantic water slides of resorts. 

Summer, in fact, is the most awaited part of the tropical season in our country, Philippines. By this time, we don't care about the monsoon or whatsoever calamity we might encounter after this astonishing heat wave. The degrees for each day that we suffer and complain defies it all when we have nothing to do but to be a home bum or specifically pigs waiting to be fed.

What has life to offer us without this wonderful season, for adults, none stop "inuman" or drinking session. We go to different places just to relax though we have no money to prick out in our empty pockets, as we always uttered, "NO SCHOOL, NO TOOL" tool refers to money to be spend. 

As we get along surfing the net, we found out one good place to shed our body sweats. It's my dad's birthday that's why we tend to look for some place to celebrate it. My brother and I found out a place to surrender my dad's ultimate dream, to be with us, completely celebrating his 59th birthday. We then found 9 waves.
This PHP 300 worth of entrance fee resort granted my father's wish. Located at the heart of San Mateo, Rizal (Carrieland Country Homes II
Ampid San Mateo, Rizal) this resort blogged as breathtaking, awesome and outstanding resort flourished what we so called a bourgeoisie relaxing place. 

Part of finding a hidden place is being out of nowhere searching for the right map to locate this area. Believe me, it took us 2 hours before we figured out the best way to prolong our excitement with this villas knowing that we are only living in Pasig City. Well, I cannot blame my brother though he is just a driving starter but it is because of Marikina's way of teaching lost drivers (not literally) of the place where we are headed. No signs or category on the streets we entered since we are just hanging by the bridge with what does people instructed us to enter through. 

Dad and big bro asked at least 5 people on how are we going to find J.P. Rizal Avenue that will lead us to San Mateo right away. Though my brother followed one jeepney heading to Marikina, the pathetic streets have their own signs of one way only.

Yeah we got lost! And damn I was so hungry that time and my ears were soaring because of my imbecilic ear buds. The moment I heard that my brother was in tantrums because he can't manipulate the streets, I started to listen on what did the last person we asked say. 

Over then, we finally figured out the utmost way getting out on that puzzle-like streets of Marikina. Alas! we found the hidden chronicles of 9 Waves.

How on earth are you going to classify these brilliant mapping. We are like toys in "Toy Story" movie looking for a place where our owners live. But just so we know, we found the place thankfully. Thankful that we made it earlier than the target time of 4 hours for searching and 6 hours of driving for the 11 kilometers south of Pasig City only!

Upon arrival, I was astonished by the awesome and thrilling double looped slide. We are perplexed with the entrance and the pergola hall itself. 

Amazingly, they do have carts to help tourists to pull out there foods and stuffs, but one cannot bring the cart up to the kiosks, it will just help you up to the entrance for inspection. 

This one made my hurt palpitate. Imagine, I pulled out most of our stuffs from the entrance going to our kiosk since my brother left right after we are dropped in the paying section for him to pick up his wife and my nephew. That was insane. The sweat definitely outraged the big pool.  

 For those who's planning to go there and experience the awe-inspiring water slide. These are the rates: 

Swimming Rate
w/o Picnic hut
Day Time [8am-5pm]275300add 30/pax
Night Time [6pm-11pm] (Mon-Thurs)200225add 30/pax
Overnight [6pm-4am] (Fri-Sun & Holiday)300330add 30/pax
Day & Night [8am-11pm]400450add 30/pax
Day & Overnight [8am-4am]495550add 30/pax
Late Afternoon Pass [2pm-5pm]250275add 30/pax
Late Overnight Pass [1am-4am]275300add 30/pax

*As far as I know, they don't have the Night Time, Late Afternoon Pass and Late Overnight. Because they slashed it brutally at their board of rates.*

  • NIGHT TIME applicable only during mondays to thursdays except the day before the holiday and the holiday
  • NIGHT TIME applicable for the period of June 21 to Oct 21, Nov 14 to Dec 15, Jan 15 to March 14 only
  • Price are subject to change without prior notice
  • Picnic Huts are required for a group of four (4) persons

For the Kiosks and other sets:
TABLES: Maximum of 10 persons. 
PHP 500.oo

UMBRELLAS: Maximum of 10 persons.
PHP 550.oo

SMALL KIOSK: Maximum of 15 persons.
PHP 1,050.oo

BIG KIOSK: Maximum of 30 persons.
PHP 1,650.oo

SMALL PAVILION: Maximum of 50 persons.
PHP 2,750.oo

BIG PAVILION: Maximum of 70 persons.
PHP 3,850.oo

Yes. If you are planning to stay there for overnight or so, here are their published rates:

Types of RoomCabanaCountry ViewGarden ViewRiver View
Twin Sharing3150415051506150
Triple Sharing3550455055506550
Quadruple Sharing4050505060507050
Quintuple Sharing4650565066507650
Family Sharing5350635073508350
Key Deposit80080010001000

Extra Charges (optional)CabanaCountry ViewGarden ViewRiver View
Extra Person650650825825
Extra Hour350350550550

9 waves cavana rooom
Nipa Hut inspired rooms.
10.5 to 12.5 square meters
PHP 3,150.oo

conference room
Overlooking the Cabanas.
16 to 19 square meters.

9 waves Garden view
With charming outdoor garden.
23 to 26 square meters.
PHP 5,150.oo

9 Waves River View
Overlooking the San Mateo River.
32 to 37 square meters.
PHP 6,150.oo

  • Check- in time: 2:00 pm | Check-out time: 12:00 noon
  • Use of swimming pool included according to the number of occupants
  • Senior Citizen Discounts will be accorded to ID holders only, that is, fraction of total
  • Children below 2 feet are free of accommodations
  • Additional persons shall be charged accordingly
  • Key deposit will be applied
  • Strictly no smoking and cooking inside the room
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes and other charges

*Note: All rates are base on the resorts website and subject to change without prior notice. If in doubt, please visit their website via http://9wavesphilippines.com or try to hear them personally through their contact numbers (632) 997-9999, (632) 997-5945, (632)997-6009.*

There you go. Well actually I chose the small kiosks, we are located at the front of the wave pool as well as overlooking the San Mateo River. There are certain rules and regulations that every one should follow they called it "House Rules" or else you will just enjoy the outskirts outside.

  • Air-conditioned Rooms: check- in time is 2:00 pm and check-out is 12:00 noon of the following day.
  • Daytime swimming: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. * Overnight swimming: 6:00 pm to 4:00 am.
  • No one is allowed to swim during swimming breaks and cleaning time (5:00pm - 6:00pm, 4:00am - 8:00 am).
  • Management reserves the right to verify that full payment is made by swimmers and/ or non-swimmers. Any monetary discrepancy must be settled at the Ticket Sales Counter. No rainchecks, rebates, or discounts will be given should a feature or attractions be closed temporarily for whatever reason/s.
  • All patrons must wear modest swimwear or garterized/ cycling shorts with spaghetti strap shirts for female and garterized / cycling shorts for male. Shorts must be four (4) inches above the knee. Swimmers wearing jean shorts or cut- offs, and immodest apparel will not be allowed.
  • Wave Pool effects operates only when there is a minimum of twenty- five (25) persons walk-in guest, however, the schedules subsequently may vary from time to time. Last full operation of the wave pool is 12:00 midnight during sunday to thursday and 1:00 am during friday, saturday & holidays.
  • A responsible adult must accompany children/ minors at all times. Parents/ guardians are solely responsible for their children/ minors.
  • Cooked foods, fruits in plastic containers, grilling of meat/ fish (in a foil), water and juice are allowed.
  • Grillers are provided, first come first serve basis (limited only).
  • Beverages with alcohol content, liquors, beers & softdrinks are not allowed inside the resort. Light beer & softdrinks are exclusively sold in the resort.
  • Breakables and glass objects (dinnerwares, drinking glass, casseroles, bottles and the likes), sharp objects (knifes, ice picks, swiss knifes), flammables (liquid gas, gas stove), firearms, deadly weapons, prohibited drugs, pets, loud/ big sound system, and gambling paraphernalias are not allowed inside the resort.
  • Electronic appliances brought in shall be subject to a corkage fee of P100.00 per unit.
  • Fast food deliveries (Mc Donalds, Jollibee, etc.) and Outside catering are not allowed to enter the resort.
  • There are no cooking facilities in the air- conditioned rooms. Ala carte available at the T'boli Hall.
  • Persons under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs will not be allowed to enter the resort. Management have the right to refuse clients or expel clients causing any type of commotion that might affect the safety of the guests.

  • Air-conditioned Rooms: check-in time is 2:00 pm and check-out time is 12:00 noon.
  • Daytime swimming: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. * Overnight swimming: 6:00 pm to 4:00 am
  • Payment can be made in cash, credit card (Visa, Mastercard & BPI with a minimum bill of Php 1,000.00) or through Metrobank SA#0173017336305, Ciudad Christhia Resort.
  • Full payment must be done for the picnic hut or rooms to ensure the reservation.
  • Reservation payment can be done within three (3) days after log-in of reservation. Failure to meet the option date would mean automatic cancellation of bookings.
  • Kindly fax the reservation form with approved signature and deposit slip with your name and date of reservation at 997-5945 or 997-9999.
  • Cancellations should be done strictly seventy two (72) hours before the arrival of the guest/s. Otherwise a cancellation of no show fee of one (1) Picnic Hut or Room Night shall be charged. Re-scheduling can be done within one (1) month upon availability.
  • Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
You better read everything first before you plan and count the heads of your participants. Before hand, be educated by the underlined words since they are the most important. Yes, you can bring food inside but nonetheless they do have their own cutting area for you to slice those chilies and tomatoes for your grilled fish.

One thing that I was fascinated was their tolerance to dirt (kidding). Most of the employees will greet you with a warm smile and a glistening eyes. Most of the time, you will be greeted by on-the-job-trainees working inside.

Also, they do maintain the cleanliness of the area, after the use of the charcoal grills, they will snatch it and clean it thoroughly with soupy water and then wiped with clean cloth. I noticed that a supervisor generally inspect each of those grills as well as the used kiosks.
The bathrooms are big enough to accommodate hundreds of pool dippers. for the male bathroom located near us, there are 8 big shower rooms converted into change rooms as well and 2 big bathrooms with bowl for your stomach ache because of plenty of foods you've taken.

It was called 9 waves because of its 9 different style of waves, I really don't know what are the names of those but I assure you, it was fun. 

Those are not real sand, those were just pebbles stuck on the floor. Big jars compliments the area with showers at the corner of the wave pool. There are mushroom-vomiting-water as I called it for the kids to be really wet. There are water falls at the high top of the wave pool for those picture addict people who wanted to pose brutally seen by the people enjoying the waters below. 

I must say that this resort is safe for children since there are plenty of life guards surrounding the area. You will be notified easily when you heard the whistle of the luscious life guards because you are wearing the wrong swimsuit attire.

The kids section pool was awesome too. There's a huge whale with a large mouth enjoying those kids who looked like a plankton sliding upon his throat. 

 Imagine, a kiddie pool with a 4 feet water deep. Wouldn't they want the kids to enjoy it. haha.

Fountains scorching water were everywhere. Children will not go slipped because of those green floor mats surrounded everywhere. My nephews didn't get hurt because of these, they didn't get any painful souvenirs because of these as well.

The adult pool was the one with the double loop slide. I was quite disappointed with the slide, though it avoids the eye soaring view of the Jacuzzi. I have to slide my glutinous maxi mus to the fullest from top up to the end of the slide for me to enjoy the loop freely. That was tiring. But the view on the top was so great that I can't feel my numbness. 

I suggest that you come early for you to get kiosks better than that of others and for you to avoid lines in cashier and the cutting area.

The parking lot by the way is also big enough to accommodate tourists but it will take you a tongue slapping moments before you can reach your car whenever you have to go. Better yet, use the cart when your leaving to avoid hustle. 

I saw a wall climbing facilities maybe for team building or sort of another payment for fun. For me, although the resort was good, it wasn't good enough for a PHP 300.oo worth of entrance. maybe around PHP150.oo will do because of the wave pool. 

It's more fun in the Philippines!